I'm moving more "stuff" around. Not sure why I'm calling it "stuff" rather than "shit", which is more appropriate at this point in my life. I think it's because this is a public forum and I really shouldn't use words like shit, fuck... not even crap. Some people will take it the wrong way, so I'll just use the word "stuff". It actually lets me off the hook in a way - as if I made a good decision about its acquisition. It was for a good cause... it was a gift... because it was cute... because it was cheap. Scratch that... it was affordable. What a load. Lately I have been looking at my stuff. As Mike alluded to in it a post months ago - we are responsible for everything we touch. Holy crap! That's stupid unless you look deeper and realize that it's absolutely true when practiced absolutely . You see, I've come to notice that much of our ego is about making us "feel better". A safety mechanism. A defense s...
Brain dumps from my ego of the memory that it created which is neither 100% accurate nor fully contaminated by outside influence.